Partner Selection

Many of our projects involve some element of partner qualification and selection as part of a bigger picture, but we also provide RFP and partner selection as a distinct service. Our familiarity with the Payments landscape and our experience working with many of the service providers in the industry means we are quickly able to create long-lists of potential partners, with an RFI or RFP process to create a short-list of strong contenders.

We have built a number of tools to assist in the process, not to make the decision but to help inform it. These tools accelerate the process by helping to quickly distill the information provided into a configurable set of templates that automatically calculate results. They also makes the process collaborative and inclusive, and add in an element of objectivity. Two such tools favoured by us and our clients are:

Vendor Scorecard

Allows each organisation’s proposal to be scored based on a configurable set of categories (decision criteria), which can be weighted according to their comparative importance. Points are automatically calculated and a top-to-bottom list automatically generated.

Voting & Ranking

Allows individuals to vote on each organisation in order preference, with a top-to-bottom results list being automatically calculated.

Where we can help

  • Creating a long-list of organisations based on our knowledge and experience

  • Writing the RFI or RFP based on templates

  • Distilling the provided information into a reliable means of comparing organisations, and creating a short-list

  • Deep-dive sessions with short-listed organisations to review product / service features and functions along with operational stability and performance - we know what questions to ask to tease out the pros and cons

  • Partner selection / recommendation

  • Cost forecasting, commercials, negotiation.

A sample of our Partner Selection projects

Licensed Service Provider for a CMS solution

RFP selection process to identify the most technically capable and commercially viable provider of a CMS solution to a technology company on behalf of a bank. Required detailed assessment of infrastructure requirements and database licensing, the most significant price influencers.

Acquirer Processing Partner

Wrote an RFI to short-list potential providers of e-commerce Acquirer Processing services to a PSP looking to expand their portfolio.

Cloud Hosting

An assessment public cloud providers for hosting an Issuer Processor Payments infrastructure.

Prepaid & Credit Issuer Processor Partner

High-level assessment of long-list suppliers of Prepaid and Credit processing platforms for a new market entrant mobile challenger bank.