Programme Launch
We have a history of helping Programme Managers create, operate and improve their card programmes to help ensure their solutions lead the way in their target market. Covering all types of corporate and consumer programmes across open and restricted loop, we’re well-placed to ensure you have functionally-comprehensive, operationally-sound and compliant programmes that will serve the market well.
The requirements on a Programme Manager are many and varied, as are the capabilities and intentions of the individual organisations. There are lots of decisions facing a would-be or growing Programme Manager, and a wealth of influencers that determine what is built in-house, what requires partnership, what is out-sourced. We can help determine the right approach for you, get you started and help you along the way.
Our services range from high-level business advisory through to detailed direction and support to get your programmes off the ground or to expand their capabilities, regardless of whether you are building in-house, partnering with specialist organisations, outsourcing certain services, or as is more typical, a combination of all.
We’ve worked with many of the leading providers of services to Payments organisations, and will make sure you get what you need in the way you need it. Here’s a sample of what we can help with:
Where We Can Help
Programmes: corporate, consumer, open or restricted loop
Cards: prepaid, debit, physical, virtual, contactless, scheme-branded, white-label
Mobile: digital wallets, mobile payments, balance management
Transactions: card payments, wearables, agency banking
Compliance & Regulation: PCI DSS, PSD2 / Open Banking / SCA.
How We Can Help
Partner selection and commercial support
Setup and configuration
Product and Service definition, build support
Integration with 3rd parties: business, technical, operational
Card and transaction lifecycle management
Settlement, reconciliation, MI reporting
Delivery and operational services: planning, RAID management, steering and governance, operational readiness
Client onboarding.
A sample of our Programme Manager projects
Programme Manager Launch
Helping an organisation launch as their own Programme Manager for their open and restricted loop, corporate and consumer multi-currency programmes, with a close engagement from initial definition and setup right through build, delivery, launch and BAU operation. We helped with product strategy, scope, analysis, design and build, along with partner selection, setup, configuration and integration with all 3rd parties including BIN Sponsor, Processor, KYC provider and Card Manufacturer. We further helped with project planning, test strategy, risk management, RAID logs and go-live, with steering and governance throughout.
Client Onboarding
Supporting a Programme Manager in the onboarding of a big-name bank as a new corporate client under a high-limits programme. Required the setup and use of an additional Card Manufacturer.
Product Evolution Study
An impact assessment on supporting additional product features including virtual cards and mobile wallets. The study included feasibility, build and 3rd party costs, effort and delivery timeframes.